Keep the doctor's away

one of my classmate in basic photography curved this when we have
our apple activity... i found the subject very interesting so i took the
opportunity to take a snap on it and this is what i captured. 
For all the best
another test
another pain
another needle inside my vein...

Another medication
additional miles to run
to control the situation
for fats to burn...

A few glass of spirit is fine
just avoid heavy drinking
a moderate brandy and wine
and it's better to stop smoking...

Another food to avoid
additional day to starve
it's good to be not paranoid
but it so fucking hard!

I was afraid when i found out that my blood pressure is very high, i made a date with a cardiologist and he  sent me to a various test when he found that there is some abnormality in my heartbeat...
After he prescribed an expensive medicine that i need to purchase every month, i decided not to eat rice, not to drink soda, i dropped the fast food things and avoid salty and oily food... and of course since then i tried to walkjogrun for 3-4km everyday.. now it's almost a month and i already loss 1.5kg. 

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